Sunday, January 24, 2010

QRZ bannanation...Update

Yawn...Good morning everyone. I slept late. Must have been tired from yesterdays ride witht he COG group. (more on the at later.)

What I want to talk about this morning is...sigh...QRZ and what happened there. I have gotten some emails of support from various folks and even a comment on a post here. (YEA!!! Someone reads this thing other than me.) To you all....

Thank You all!

But...this morning I decided to go view the carnage.... And read this.

I heard that bunnies don't make a sound until they get slaughtered. Then they make the most bloodcurdling noise.

Having never seen or heard a rabbit put to the butcher's knife, I would not know personally.

To all of you following along on this bit of drama. I assure you, that this bunnie is not...IS NOT...making a blood curdling sound. Nor whine, nor send drunk email to staff...nor NOTHING. This post...THIS ONE HERE is about as public as I am going to get. Its done. Well not really.

OK guys, lighten up a little.

Ren got a 30 day ban, which he pretty much asked for, and received.

Follow the "Rules of the Road," and you won't have a problem.

No, you're wrong! I did not ask for it. I did follow the "rules of the road" as it applies to the other than racist/anti-religion/right-wign nut vitriol spewing bigots that occupy that place.

So there...that's my venom! Hope that makes you all happy because that's all there is going to be in a public forum.

Anyhow, Im hungry. Will post updates on yesterdays club ride in a few.

Ren....W3BNY...the venomous hungry bunneh.


  1. Meh. Being a player on teh Zed just makes one stupider by the day. By being bannexored you're already 50% smarter.

  2. Ren,
    I don't know if you are watching QRZ that much during your ban, but the official posts by the Moderators regarding this crackdown seems that it is not the offense prior to the ban that gets you banned, but it is the history of offense. That being said, I'm sorry such a prominent such as you got 30 days for that, I already missed the Bunneh's posts and one of the reasons I'm here.

    John McFerren

  3. My dad used to raise and butcher bunnies. He'd grab them by the hind legs and hit 'em in the head with a piece of pipe. It was a high squeal that they made.
