Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why do I put myself thru this...

Yesterday over on QRZ.com, there was a thread about "The Catholic Church in Haiti" (note: Don't bother clicking the link. Thread has been deleted!) Frankly, I was offended. Normally I am pretty thick skinned and very few things offend me. This is one of them. (I wont mention the others..no sense divulging my vulnerabilities.)


You know, The Church has her problems. We are human. We have done some pretty wrong things in the past but all in all it is still the Church of Jesus Christ. I fell away from Jesus and the Church 20 some odd years ago. But the incredible thing is that thru all the crap that I did, Jesus and the Church never left me. I left them! I decided that my life without either of them was...well I wasn't were I wanted to be. I made a call the local Parrish, made an appointment with the Pastor, went to confession and I was back. That simple. Forgiven and forgotten. Yeah I will still have some 'splainin to do and some things I need to work on but I feel "whole" again.

I am not an apologist for the Church. Wont even pretend to be one. But what gets me is the "how horrible We are" bit. Even from my wife. No one seems to remember the schools, the hospitals, everything else good that was done in the name of Christ. Just all the crap that we as fallible humans did. And yes, I agree, some of it very bad! (I am not going into it...period! Anybody posts something...I will delete it!). But then again, "no other religion has ever done anything wrong in its entire history...ever" Just us Catholics. PEH!!!

Religious rant over

Anyhow, this is typical QRZ.com forum crap. Its ok to bash Hispanics, people speaking Spanish, Catholics, Democrats, Our President, as long as you don't fire up on someone for being an idiot or posting like one. Yes its a private forum and the owner makes the rules. Like it or leave...And seriously...I think I need to evaluate why I even go there in the first place. Some folks there are ok..well more than ok. But there are others that just plain piss me off. It shouldn't...I shouldn't let them get under my skin like that. But I can get...whats the word...emotional?...about it. Thats my fault. But still. There are quite a few people there that aren't on my Christmas card list.

Anyhow, I need to evaluate why I post at QRZ.com.

Have a good day and sorry for the religious rant.


0932 am. ON EDIT...

This is a good example of what mentality is on QRZ.com. No callsign or posters name but..if you click on the ONLY link in this post...

"I'm not that sensitive for Homeless though. They should be DEPORTED to Tijuana! Homeless are not poor unfortunate people, they are CRIMINALS living on the lam to avoid being jailed. They STEAL and ROB people for a living.

People who had their houses destroyed in Katrina and Haiti are HOMELESS.
The Bums who panhandle you on the street by day and rob your house or hold you up by night are TRAMPS!

Ask the Police. Probably 90% of the calls are due to "homeless" doing what they do. Many are completely NUTS and need to be locked back up in the Funny Farms. The Liberals opened the Insane Asylum doors way back when, and the country has been RAVAGED ever since!"

How do you even respond to that. wow... Anyhow thats what you get to see on QRZ.com!
(Yeah...I responded. But what I said doesn't matter anymore. The thread is deleted. FINALLY! What I find irritating is the reason given for the post deletion by one of the moderators...

Reason: Thread gone wrong from the first post. Religious bashing is not what QRZ is about."

Is that so. If it is, why then did it take 2 days and what...20 pages of posts for you folks to decide that the post isnt what "QRZ is about".


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